02 April, 2009

Season 3, Episode 16: One of Us Original Air Date—11 April 2007 Jack takes Juliet back to their camp after being abandoned by The Others. However, nobody else at the camp trusts her or wants her there, until she saves Claire's life. Download Clik Here Season 3, Episode 17: Catch-22 Original Air Date—18 April 2007 Desmond's latest fragmented vision suggests that his old girlfriend, Penny, will crash-land onto the island. Desmond organizes a posse of himself, Hurley, Jin, and Charlie to come along with him into the jungle expecting Penny to parachute onto the island. But the vision also suggests that Charlie will die by stumbling upon a trip-wire if he comes along with them. But Desmond insists that Charlie must come along to make the vision come true. Meanwhile, Desmond recalls his days in a monastery in Scottland over 10 years earlier after leaving his old fiancée, Ruth, a few days before their wedding where he later met Penny. In the present, Kate attempts to flirt with Jack, but he instead has eyes for Juliet, and Kate has another one-night stand with Sawyer. Download Clik Here Season 3, Episode 18: D.O.C. Original Air Date—25 April 2007 An unlikely person helps Desmond save the life of the mysterious woman who crashed onto the island, and Juliet helps Sun find out whether she conceived on the island or before the plane crash. Download Clik Here Season 3, Episode 19: The Brig Original Air Date—2 May 2007 Locke tells Sawyer that he needs to come with him to kill Ben. But the man Locke wants him to kill is actually his father--who also happens to be a figure from Sawyer's past. Download Clik Here Season 3, Episode 20: The Man Behind the Curtain Original Air Date—9 May 2007 As Ben takes Locke to see Jacob and reveal the island's secrets, Ben's background on the island is exposed--as well as what happened to the Dharma Initiative.

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